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America is at a crossroads. We can descend into Secularism and Marxism, or we can have massive revival and have our future be greater than our past. There’s never been a more important time for the Church to arise and contend in prayer and fasting for a 3rd Great Awakening in the land.


Evangelical voters have a responsibility to vote their values. We have the ability to see Roe vs Wade overturned, to elect god-fearing school boards, and to ensure religious freedom for all Americans. What we lack is the willpower. It’s time to mobilize the Church to turn out en masse, for the sake of our children and the nation’s future.

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Local and state governments around the nation have been shown to be remarkably biased and cannot be relied upon wholly for safety. Police departments across the nation have been defunded and their officers demoralized. It’s time for citizens to stand with them, and to help take responsibility for defending their own families, churches, and communities.